A new chapter in mentalism.
I literally rewrote the book on booktests. As debuted on Fool Us, Jeff McBride called it "The best piece of mind reading over Zoom I've ever seen".
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Just $5 a month.
This is completely original mindreading, unlike anything ever before it. It's like having a camera inside someone's brain.
“The most amazing trick I experienced in 2017" - Andy (thejerx.com)
“The thinking behind it is unique and uncomplicated and well worth the investment." - Lee Earle
Know which object a spectator chooses while a million miles away.
Hi tech and limited availability to maintain exclusivity.
This is the only peek I use
You never look at the cards
You can peek 10 billets in 10 seconds, while keeping eye-contact
Turn your webcam in to the perfect switching device.
Zoom magic at it most high-tech.
Available for Windows and Mac.